Public Information






Born in Seattle, Washington in 1947, Meredeth Stucky entered the US Air Force Nurse Corps, Andrews AFB, in 1974 as a staff nurse. She retired in 1994 from Luke AFB, with two small children. Meredeth launched into the Litchfield Elementary PTA; under her leadership, the PTA received the 1999 Best of the West Art-in-Residence Award. She was also on an award-winning AZ school board. Meredeth is proud of her work with The Church at Litchfield Park, PEO Chapter DM, the Litchfield Park Scout Lodge LLC, and as a member of Leadership West Class IV. As a 2001 founding member of the Litchfield Park Historical Society, she serves on the Board, as a Docent, and since 2016 has fundraised over $129,000.00. Meredeth Stucky continues to support education, veterans, and the history of Litchfield Park and the West Valley.