Public Information
Name | Moore, Lynnise |
Class | 2013 |
Biography | Born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1950. Sergeant First Class, US Army, Retired in 1997 as Personnel Management Supervisor. Retired Admissions and Marketing Assistant, Life Care Center, a long term care facility. Resident of Sierra Vista, Arizona. As Chapter President, San Pedro Chapter 95, Women’s Army Corps Veterans’ Association for eighteen years, Lynnise advocates for women veterans and needy families to improve their lives. She leads efforts to maintain the Carmichael Elementary School’s food bank so that the children will have food to eat during weekends. For the past ten years, Lynnise has collected coats, hats, and other apparel to keep Carmichael School’s students warm during cold weather. As the WACVA Representative to the Joint Services Club, Sierra Vista, she has actively supported the Sierra Vista Veteran’s Park and the Southern Arizona Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery. |