Public Information


Hintz, Frederick




(1921-2001) Born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. Received disability retirement from the U.S. Air Force in 1970. Served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Was command pilot during Berlin Airlift, and later served as GEN Curtis Lemay’s pilot while helping set up SAC headquarters in Omaha. Instrumental in establishing the Arizona Veterans’ Service Commission and served a term as its Chairman. Played major role in securing the land for the Arizona State Veterans’ Home, and in establishing the Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Filled almost every leadership position in the Arizona VFW as well as serving on the National VFW By-laws Committee and Budget Committee. Active on the Veterans Day at the Arizona State Fair Committee and the Veterans Day Parade Committee. Helped formulate Unified Arizona Veterans and served as its first treasurer until moving to Kingman in 1987.