Jim Monroe
AVHOFS President
Class of 2014 |
Jim Monroe
Pat Little-Upah
Nancy Fassbender
Jerry Wojtas
Pat Farrell
Peter Kloeber
Kathleen Laurier
Joe Little
Christine Mahon
Tom Sheets
Roy McClymonds
Gerry Berger
Ron Perkins
Wanda Wright (ADVS)
Lea Seago (UAV)
Richard Erickson- Snell & Wilmer LLP
Tom Hessler
As we now enter 2022, we can look back at the recent holiday season just passed. I certainly hope this was an enjoyable and safe time for you, your family, and friends. We can now relax a little as we look forward to the new year. However, your Society is not relaxing. We are looking forward to the Annual Membership Meeting and the Patriotic Awards Luncheon, both coming up soon.
Your Patriot Editor, Tom Hessler, and I took the opportunity to send out a Special edition of the Patriot on December 20th. This edition was targeted at informing all members of the details of the Annual Membership Meeting and encouraging you to attend. We are closing out 2021 and the second year of the pandemic. Let’s all start 2022 on a high note! The specifics and agenda follow:
AVHOFS Annual Business Meeting:
The Annual Business Meeting for members will be held on January 13, 2022, at the Double Tree Resort, 5401 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85250.
The meeting will start at 0900 in the Double Tree Resort Ballroom with a Social Hour and Continental Breakfast. The continental breakfast is free for AVHOFS members and $15 for other attendees, payable by cash or check at the meeting.
The Business meeting will be held 1000 – 1200 in the Double Tree Resort Ballroom.
Please RSVP by January 10, 2022, if you are planning to attend. RSVP to Kathy Laurier by calling (602) 909-2121 or by email to aznative1946@gmail.com
January 13, 2022, 1000-1200
- Call to Order / Board of Directors Roll Call: Jim Monroe
- Pledge of Allegiance: Roy McClymonds
- Invocation: Sam Young
- Welcome and introduction of guests: Jim Monroe
- Guest Speaker: Dr Alexander B. White, M.D., Schindler’s List Survivor and AVHOFS Member, Class of 2014
- Treasurers Report: Jerry Wojtas
- Maternity Outreach 4 Mothers (MOMS) Program Report: Joan Sisco
- Veterans Court Project Report: Sam Young
- Scholarship Program Report: Chuck Schluter
- Strategic Plan Update Report: Pete Kloeber
- Patriotic Awards Luncheon (PAL) 2022 Status: Pat Upah
- Special Presentation: Tom Sheets
- Nominating Committee Report: Gerry Berger
- Election of Officers: Pat Upah
- Good of the Order: Comments and questions from the floor
- Benediction: Kathy Laurier
- Adjournment: Jim Monroe
For more information, contact Lee Lange; Cell (703) 232-3609, or Email lflange48@gmail.com
I look forward to seeing you there. And please remember to notify Kathy Laurier of your plans to attend.
The Patriotic Awards Luncheon is absolutely the Premier event for the Society, and it is on target for April 1, 2022. Details for the PAL can be found herein from Pat Little-Upah and Karen Craig, Event co-chairs. Registration will be open on January 5.
AVHOFS Strategic Plan – 2021 FINAL DRAFT V-2
Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026
Updated on 14 January 2015
Updated on 14 September 2016
Updated on 13 December 2017
Updated on 10 October 2018
Updated on 8 September 2021
This Strategic Plan was first created by the Committee appointed by the Society President in the spring of 2011. It was presented to all AVHOF Society members during the General Membership meeting conducted in Phoenix on 12 July 2011. This document, with amendments, was approved by the Board of Directors and all members present on 12 July 2011. Since that time, annual progress assessments have been completed. This revised and updated Strategic Plan was completed by the Strategic Plan Committee and approved by the board on 8 September 2021.
This revised Strategic Plan establishes the Society Board’s strategic vision, goals, and objectives
for the long-term improvement of our Society. It is continuously referenced, reviewed, and refreshed to maintain currency and relevance. It outlines the Society’s Vision, Mission, and Introduces Values and five new Strategic Priorities, each with supporting goals and respective objectives.
The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) is a nonprofit organization, operated exclusively for purposes beneficial to the interests of its members, veterans, military personnel, their families and their survivors. The Society is formed to foster a bond of friendship and camaraderie among all Society members (stakeholders) while continuing to serve the community, state and country. The Society always upholds and preserves the dignity and honor of the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) while providing appropriate aid to persons inducted into the AVHOF (Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame), their widows/widowers or their children. We also foster and perpetuate service and patriotism to our State and nation while helping fellow veterans whenever and wherever possible.
The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame recognizes Arizona veterans for significant post-military contributions on a local, state, or national level. These are veterans who have honorably served their country through military service and who have continued to serve and inspire their fellow man with their deeds and accomplishments throughout their lifetime. The AVHOF is not a military hall of fame except for automatic induction of United States Medal of Honor recipients with Arizona ties.
In 1998, Unified Arizona Veterans (UAV), as a consortium committee with representation open to all recognized veterans service organizations throughout the state, began formulating a Hall of Fame to recognize Arizona veteran men and women from all ages, all branches of service, and all walks of life. At the advice of the Director, Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS), the UAV followed the footsteps of the established Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame, using the Ohio program as a model for the Arizona program.
In early 2001, the UAV requested and received the support of Governor Jane Dee Hull in recognizing Arizona Veterans nominated for induction into the newly established AVHOF. The inaugural induction ceremony, held on 30 May 2001, recognized 26 Medal of Honor recipients with Arizona ties, 13 of those being prior to Statehood in 1912, and 24 other distinguished Arizona veterans. Since 2001 the program has annually honored selected Arizona veterans with induction into the AVHOF, and each year the Governor has supported the program by approving the nominations and issuing a proclamation proclaiming a day as “Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Day”. Further, in 2016 the Legislature approved Concurrent Resolution 2001, recognizing “the AVHOF and its noble endeavors”.
In 2007, living AVHOF inductees united to establish the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society to provide a forum for AVHOF inductee support and camaraderie and to collectively continue serving local and state community needs. The AVHOFS was incorporated in 2008 as a nonprofit organization and has achieved 501(c) (3) tax exempt status. The AVHOFS currently consists of all living AVHOF honorees and, since its inception, has partnered with the ADVS and UAV to enhance the stature and to perpetuate the traditions of the AVHOF.
America has undergone a protracted period of conflict, unmatched in its history, that continues today to reflect an unstable international environment. Less than one percent of the population has borne the brunt of this conflict for the rest of the nation. During this protracted period of war, an over extended military supported by repeated mobilizations of National Guard and Reserve forces have placed incredible strain on our forces and touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of families. Many veterans of this conflict suffer severe medical and mental health issues, and veteran unemployment and homeless rates substantially exceed the national averages. While America is more sensitive than it has been in decades to the extraordinary sacrifices of military service, real and substantial national budgetary pressures are causing added strain on our veterans, the military and their families. It is imperative that organizations of veterans such as AVHOFS do everything they can to help relieve the strain and provide quality support to the military and veteran community.
Within Arizona, AVHOFS members are recognized for their outstanding contributions to our state and our country. Members possess a diversity of skills, experiences and professions and represent virtually all regions of Arizona. Many members have also continued to work both individually and with various veteran support organizations for the betterment of society, the veterans and our youth. Therefore, members are a key resource that the Society must leverage through continued dedication, intelligent planning, professional execution, meaningful and focused fundraising activities to continue service to AVHOFS members, veterans, the military, their families and their survivors.
While Society members are its backbone, most of the members are, or are fast approaching, what is referred to as senior citizens. Additionally, most have been very active in various civic activities and/or veteran service organizations for many years. The realization is that many have reached the point where they do not wish to take on new responsibilities. This reality is important when considering a Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Society.
AVHOFS Strategic Plan (2022 - 2026)
The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society will be recognized as a leading advocate for – and service to – Arizona veterans, military, their families and survivors.
The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society is dedicated to preserving the traditions of the American military and all who served in it through community engagement, and service and support of society members, Arizona veterans and military personnel, and their families and survivors.
Patriotism – Honoring, preserving, and perpetuating the glorious traditions of the American military and our Country.
Honoring those who serve and served – Perpetually honoring the service, sacrifices and accomplishments of our military and veteran communities.
Service – Maintaining an engaged statewide community of support for all who serve or have
served, and their families and survivors.
Strategic Priorities
The following five Strategic Priorities align with the Society’s Vision, Mission, and Values and provide the essential focus and path for the Society to attain and sustain its vision:
Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame – While the Society is a separate and distinct organization from the Hall of Fame, without the Hall of Fame, the Society would not exist. The Society must continue to partner with and support the Hall of Fame to ensure its viable future.
Membership – A main purpose of the Society is to serve, support, and honor its distinguished members who have been inducted into the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame.
Community – The Society’s Vision and Mission establish a primary objective of the Society is to serve and support the military and veterans’ communities within Arizona.
Resources – In addition to adequate finances, other resources are also of vital importance such as technology, governance and planning documents.
Partnerships – The Society depends on several strategic partnerships to more effectively accomplish its mission and leverage resources (joint funding, reduce costs, increase service impact, increase visibility, and political leverage, etc.). Some of the partners are the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services, Unified Arizona Veterans, Veterans Courts, Arizona Veterans StandDown Alliance, Arizona Coalition of Military Families, Be Connected Program, Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce, Veterans Heritage Project, and various Veterans’ Service Organizations, etc.
Each of the above Strategic Priorities has a…
- Primary Goal (why a relevant & important Priority),
- Goals (where we aspire to be), and
- Objectives (what we will do to achieve the Goals).
The below illustration of a structure depicts the relationship of the essential components of this plan. The structure represents the AVOHFS and is supported by three columns representing the Strategic Priorities of AVHOF, Membership, and Community. These columns are in turn supported by the remaining two cross-cutting foundational Strategic Priorities of Resources and Partnerships. The entire structure rests upon the bedrock of the Society’s Vision, Mission, and Values.
Priorities, Goals, and Objectives
Uphold and preserve the dignity and honor of the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame
Support the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame (AVHOF) program.
- Partner with the Unified Arizona Veterans (UAV) and the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS) to support the MOU between the UAV and the Society.
- Monitor and advise the UAV on all aspects of the program including the nomination and selection processes, recognition events and associated heraldry.
- Encourage participation of UAV leadership in AVHOFS BOD meetings and other activities.
Enhance and promote the image of the AVHOF.
- Endeavor to have at least one Society member on the AVHOF selection and event planning committees to provide feedback to the AVHOFS BOD.
- Promote AVHOF nominations from members and their respective VSOs.
- Assist the UAV in maintaining and improving the AVHOF display at the Capitol Museum.
Serve, support, and honor the distinguished members of the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society
Support and foster a bond of friendship and camaraderie among AVHOFS members.
- Conduct a survey of Society members and partners to promote alignment of member and partner needs and desires. Frequency should be no less than every five years.
- Publish a monthly AVHOFS newsletter.
- Hold at least one Board or membership meeting annually at a location outside the Phoenix area or virtually with notice to all members.
- Review annually and update as needed the plan for welcoming new members and encouraging participation in Society activities.
- Select a AFHOF class leader to enhance communications with the Society.
- Ensure all AVHOFS projects and programs encompass the entire state.
- Formalize a Buddy Program for the BOD and class leaders to contact members quarterly.
Increase participation of AVHOFS members in Society activities and leadership.
- Encourage member participation in the society board, committee and leadership opportunities to enhance leadership succession.
- Maximize use of technology (social media, virtual meetings, emails, etc.) to engage members concerning Society activities and to provide opportunities for participation.
- Develop formal education/awareness program of AVHOFS programs and leadership positions (e.g., vacant positions, job descriptions, etc.).
- Develop formal leadership succession plan.
Enhance the quality of life for military, veterans, and their families and survivors
Serve and support the Arizona military and veteran communities.
- Promote and support the military/veteran community by holding an annual recognition event to recognize and honor significant contributions made on their behalf by non-veterans.
- Adopt/review a plan to determine programs, projects and donations (to whom and amount) to support veterans, the military, their families and their survivors.
- Conduct an annual event in partnership with the UAV to recognize and honor significant contributions to the veteran community such as: individuals, organizations and legislative achievements.
- Provide academic scholarships to deserving individuals IAW Operating Instruction #5.
- Provide academic scholarships to Veterans Heritage Projects (VHP) students IAW Operating Instructing #5.
- Support the Veteran’s Court program IAW Operating Instruction #7.
- Work with Arizona Stand Down Alliance to expand and prioritize AVHOFS support.
- Expand Maternity Outreach to Mothers (MOMs) Program beyond Maricopa County.
- Expand the MOMs program to include fathers. From Jim Monroe
- As Be Connected Partner Organization, attend annual ACMF Symposium and establish relationship with Be Connected Navigators state-wide.
Engage the community through website, social media, and community events.
- Review and update the AVHOFS Brochure as needed, but at least every two years.
- Maintain and enhance the AVHOFS website, newsletter and other social media.
- Partner with Arizona VSOs to provide AVHOFS speakers at four VSOs per year.
- Publish quarterly news releases to highlight AFHOFS activities.
Through good governance and strategic planning, secure necessary financial and technology elements as a foundation directly supporting the Society’s mission, priorities, and sustainable future
Position the Society for fiscal sustainability.
- Develop, recommend, and review policies and fiscal measures to ensure the financial health and stability of the Society, to include annual budget and long-term financial planning.
- Pursue fundraising opportunities which are commensurate with and compliment the Vision, Mission, and goals of the Society as defined by the Society Board.
- Deconflict overlap within the Society and between the Society and other organizations’ fundraising activities.
- Maintain a financial reserve for unanticipated contingencies.
- Develop formal, detailed plan to review, enhance and renew services contract with ADVS IAW Operating Instruction #10.
- Conduct a financial review of Society funds within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year.
- Develop and approve annual budget two months/days before start of Fiscal Year.
- Review annual budget at every regular AVHOFS meeting.
Secure and maintain required technology assets.
- Assess current assets for functional capability and determine need.
- Procure necessary assets.
Establish and sustain an effective governance framework and strategic planning procedures.
- Review and amend as needed Society bylaws at least every two years.
- Review and amend, as needed, Society Operating Instructions at least every two years.
- Assess progress on Strategic Plan goals and objectives each quarter.
- Review and update the Strategic Plan every other year.
Leverage relationships to help achieve strategic goals, acquire financial resources, enhance support for the military and veteran community, and ensure a viable Society
Maintain and enhance existing strategic partnerships.
- Review annually and amend as needed existing MOUs with the UAV, VHP, SW Veterans Chamber of Commerce and Foundation, and the Cochise County AVHOFS Chapter.
- Investigate/decide if additional MOUs are needed/appropriate for other partners.
- Review and amend as needed the services contract with the ADVS.
- Assess progress on Strategic Plan goals and objectives at least annually.
- Review and update the Strategic Plan every other year.
Develop new strategic partnerships to support new goals and initiatives.
- Pursue partnering with Veterans First to expand MOMs program.
- Investigate opportunities for partnering with additional veterans’ organizations to enhance the Society’s efficiency and effectiveness.
Implementation Plan
The AVHOFS Strategic Plan focuses on the AVHOFS long range vision, mission and goals while leaving the fulfillment of the more detailed and specific objectives needed to accomplish the Strategic Plan to subsequent actions assigned by the President and the Board of Directors (BOD). The AVHOFS Strategic Plan is produced through the Strategic Planning Committee in accordance with Article VIII, Section 9 of the Bylaws (dated 11 October 2014), and is approved by the members at the general membership meeting.
The Strategic Planning Committee will develop, review and periodically modify the Strategic Plan for the continued wellbeing of the Society, the betterment of the members, and its ability to support the veterans’ community. The plan is considered a 5-year plan which will be critically reviewed every other year and updated as appropriate by the committee, and in turn be presented to members for their approval each even numbered year.
Since the Bylaws recognize this as a “special committee” as opposed to a “standing committee”, the President will annually appoint members to the committee to ensure this process proceeds in accordance with AVHOFS Bylaws.
The President and the Board of Directors (BOD) will implement the plan on an annual basis. Through their normal course of business, the President and the BOD will implement operational strategies and plans as required to achieve the more strategic goals contained in the Strategic Plan. To help with this process, the President may ask the Strategic Planning Committee to provide potential broad strategies to meet the goals for consideration by the BOD. The President will implement a planning matrix to include projects, project and committee chairs, and a time phased action plan.
Since the Strategic Plan’s specific objectives are measurable, the annual review will determine if each strategy has been achieved or not. If not, corrective actions will need to be taken or the Strategic Plan will need to be modified as appropriate.
Following the annual assessment process, the Strategic Planning Committee will draft a written summary of findings and recommendations. The committee will brief the President and the BOD on the outcome of the assessment.
Signature on file
James Monroe, President
Date |
Signature on file
Nancy Fassbender, Secretary
Date |